Act! Calendar Views & Settings are found in Tools/Preferences in the main toolbar. It lets customers easily make changes to match the way their business operates.
Today we’ll be going over the Calendar portion of Act’s Preference Settings. We’ve gone over the Calendar tab in a previous video, but the main thing to remember are your different views for it, the daily, work week, weekly, and monthly views for your calendar. This let’s you use what’s best for any business’s schedule.
To access the Calendar settings, just click tools at the top toolbar of Act, scroll down to the bottom and click preferences, then click calendar. from here, there are many options that allow you to tweak how your calendar tab looks and operates. If you are using the Desktop version of Act the steps to get there are slightly different.
To start, we have the calendar work days settings. This lets you choose the first day of the work week, number of work week days, and the start and end time for your work days. Below that, are Calendar Increments settings, letting you decide how far apart each segment of the daily and work week calendars are, from 5 to 60 minutes.
Below that, are Calendar Options. Here, you can choose the first day of the week, and the first week of the year. You can also decide whether or not scheduled activities with show the contact name first, or only the contact name. Along with that are a couple more options or enabling pop-ups for the calendar, activities tab, and task list; you can set the length of time for activities to show a full day banner, from 0 to 30 days; and finally, a check box for displaying events on your calendar. Make sure to click ok to save your changes, and you’ll be good to go.
These settings allow the user to mold their calendar around any business model, regardless of work minutes, hours, or days.