CULTEC has been using the ACT! Contact Manager program for approximately 10 years. Our firm works closely with engineers and contractors on several projects at a time and this is one way that we are able to keep our information organized whether it be the ability to access simple contact information, quotes, attached plans or for scheduling appointments.
We find the software invaluable to our day to day interactions. Our main database includes over 32000 contacts. Over the last year, we have added the Swiftpage capability and have been able to reestablish contact with older clients and rejuvenate our database.
In the past, we have just upgraded our account without a link to a particular ACT! vendor. This past year, we used Kenbar Solutions and have finally seen what a difference personal attention and service is. It makes a world of difference. Bob Kennedy and his staff have been extremely responsive to even the most rudimentary of questions.
The relationship we have with Bob Kennedy was well worth the investment and allows us to learn tips and tricks we may never have learned otherwise. The on-site training and assistance via web access and/or phone have remedied many issues which would otherwise go unsolved.
I would recommend Bob’s services to anyone interested in the ACT! program.
Gina Carolan