Act! Tools Tab

This month we have a quick rundown of the Tools tab in any Act Database. To start, at the top of the drop-down list you’ll see Define Fields, a useful feature that lets you add or edit fields in Act!. This means, on top of the existing fields for your database like contact, company, title, etc., you can manually add new fields to search with, such as birth date, relationship, or anything else you’d like.

Act! Marketing Automation (part 1)

This month we’ll be giving you a quick tutorial on how to create email templates and campaigns through Act! Marketing Automation. Marketing Automation is an extremely versatile and useful tool to have in your Act! database. It’s an in depth tool with a lot to cover, so this month we’ll just be focused on email templates and campaigns./

Act! Global Toolbar

For this Month, we’ll be quickly going over a staple of the act database: the Global Toolbar. This is the toolbar at the top right of any main menu or view in Act, from Contacts all the way down to Reports. This bar gives you quick access to the fundamental features of Act!, including writing E-mails, scheduling activities, creating new contacts/companies/groups, etc. Learn more about it in this month’s blog.

Act! Information Resources

No matter where you are in your database, at the top right of your screen you’ll always see a question mark icon, indicating the help tab. This small tab will give you more useful information and resources than anywhere else in Act! Starting with Help Topics at the top, clicking this will open up a new webpage, and by clicking Contents at the bottom of this page, you can see the vast amount of helpful tutorials and information on how to use many aspects of your Act! database, from your first time using the software, to advanced tricks to improve your workflow.

Dynamic Shortcuts in Act!

In past videos, we’ve gone over plenty of the tabs available to you from the top toolbar of act, including Lookup, Schedule, Write, Tools, etc., all of which you can find in our previous blog posts. However, one of these tabs changes and gives us different options depending on where we are in our Act! Database.

Precise Times in Act! Activities.

For this month’s video, we have an interesting tip about adding precision to your Act! Activities. We all know Act! has a lot of custom options available to users, but do you know to what extent?

Act! Knowledge Base Overview

To start, the How-to Resources page provides the most basic information for both Desktop and Cloud versions of their product. Many of these links will take you to official manuals from Act!, while others may take you to support articles that help the user.

Act! Mini Calendar Tip

For this month’s tip, we’ll be showing you a short but useful trick regarding your Act! calendar. The default calendar view in Act! shows the entire current month in a mini-calendar format in a column to the right. This mini calendar can be expanded to show you up to 21 months at a time!

Act! Activities’ Regarding Field

This month we have a tip about Act! Activities, specifically the Regarding field, both it’s uses, and how to add custom values to the drop down. Before we go into that though, it’s worth mentioning that we have done multiple videos in the past about nearly every aspect of Act! Activities, and we’ll have links to all of them in this month’s blog post.

Introducing SMS4Act!

While the ability to send SMS messages to their Act! contacts is available for US customers making use of Act! Marketing Automation, until now it has not been available in the Act! product as standard. SMS4Act! changes that.