For this month’s tip, we’ll be showing you a short but useful trick regarding your Act! calendar. The default calendar view in Act! shows the entire current month in a mini-calendar format in a column to the right. This mini calendar can be expanded to show you up to 21 months at a time!

This month we have a tip about Act! Activities, specifically the Regarding field, both it’s uses, and how to add custom values to the drop down. Before we go into that though, it’s worth mentioning that we have done multiple videos in the past about nearly every aspect of Act! Activities, and we’ll have links to all of them in this month’s blog post.

SMS4Act is a new optional feature which allows you to send a text to a Contact and have their response come back as well which can then be added to the History Tab. Kenbar is currently running tests on a Windows 11 laptops in our office and a few customers are testing it as well.

The Opportunity Table is incredibly important for growing your Company, and is often what the CEO will be relying on to steer the Company. Opportunities in Act! allow you to easily read and understand the value of your business opportunities, all sorted into one place.

Hi. this is Hayden with Kenbar Solutions, and today we’ll be giving you a quick tutorial on how to create email templates and campaigns through Act! Marketing Automation. Marketing Automation is an extremely versatile and useful tool to have in your Act! database. It’s an in depth tool with a lot to cover, so this month we’ll just be focused on email templates and campaigns.

This month we’ll being running through a few quick shortcuts to keep in mind while using Act!. We’ve covered all these topics in more depth individually in previous blogs posts, but here we’ll bring them together in a short list of must know tips.

Hi, this is Hayden with Kenbar Solutions, and today we’ll be looking at one of many Act! Add-ons, Duplicate Remover Expert. This Add-on was made by Patricia Egen Consulting, sold for $149, along with a wide variety of other Act! products and services. This add-on is bound to the computer you register it to, meaning it can work on any number of databases on that machine. As you will see in the video, this product has a lot of power. We recommend having one of PEC or Kenbar associates do this for you or get some training if you are going to be doing this often because of your companies…